It appears you are using a version of Internet Explorer that is no longer supported by Microsoft. We cannot guarantee our site will operate as expected. We recommend downloading Microsoft Edge or another modern browser for the best experience.

It appears you are using a version of Internet Explorer that is no longer supported by Microsoft. We cannot guarantee our site will operate as expected. We recommend downloading Microsoft Edge or another modern browser for the best experience.

汉密尔顿岛活动 节日节庆




节日期间,汉密尔顿岛将变成一个充满节日欢乐的热带天堂,这里有令人愉悦的餐饮体验和活动,包括烛光颂歌(Carols by Candlelight)、特别节日菜单和现场表演,让您度过一个难忘的节日。