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Non-motorised Watersports Equipment

Head down to Catseye Beach and make the most of the free non-motorised watersports equipment that’s available to you as a guest of Hamilton Island hotels.

Non-motorised watersports equipment

Guests staying at qualia, Beach Club, Reef View Hotel, Palm Bungalows and Hamilton Island Holiday Homes have free access to a range of water activities including catamarans, kayaks, stand up paddleboards and snorkelling equipment. Simply present your room key at the Beach Sports Hut on Catseye Beach.


适合所有技能水平 - 通过自己驾驶双体船欣赏一下汉密尔顿岛周围令人惊叹的景致和平静的水域。






欣赏汉密尔顿岛周围的壮丽风景,享受在海浪中游弋的乐趣,在卡特西耶海滩(Catseye Beach)附近进行帆板运动的冒险。