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It appears you are using a version of Internet Explorer that is no longer supported by Microsoft. We cannot guarantee our site will operate as expected. We recommend downloading Microsoft Edge or another modern browser for the best experience.

Beach Pavilion KIOSK AND BAR

Enjoy refreshments and snacks by the Bougainvillea Pool.




  • 位於美麗的海濱,俯瞰貓眼海灘
  • 完全合法證照的酒吧,可滿足您在島上的最愛
  • 全新的現代設計建築
  • 池畔午餐和雞尾酒
  • 午餐時間為上午11點至下午3點

Details at a glance

Opening hours
週一 17 二月
11am - 4pm
週二 18 二月
11am - 4pm
週三 12 二月
11am - 4pm
週四 13 二月
11am - 4pm
週五 14 二月
11am - 4pm
週六 15 二月
11am - 4pm
週日 16 二月
11am - 4pm
Booking policy
