It appears you are using a version of Internet Explorer that is no longer supported by Microsoft. We cannot guarantee our site will operate as expected. We recommend downloading Microsoft Edge or another modern browser for the best experience.

It appears you are using a version of Internet Explorer that is no longer supported by Microsoft. We cannot guarantee our site will operate as expected. We recommend downloading Microsoft Edge or another modern browser for the best experience.

漢密爾頓島活動 節日節慶



節日期間,漢密爾頓島將變成一個充滿節日歡樂的熱帶天堂,這裡有令人愉悅的餐飲體驗和活動,包括燭光頌歌(Carols by Candlelight)、特別節日選單和現場表演,讓您度過一個難忘的節日。