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Fun for the whole family Mini Golf

Play a fun round of mini golf on the island’s very own course.

Details at a glance

Opening hours
Open Daily (weather dependant):
Monday - Friday: 6:00am-6:30pm (Last Tee off 5:00pm)
Saturday & Sunday: 8am-4pm (Last Tee off 3pm)
  • Adult $21
  • Child (over 5 years) $14 (same as day time rate)
  • Family (2 adults 2 children) $56
Special offer
Combine on-island family favourites, Mini-golf, Bowling and Hamilton Island Wildlife, with the Activity Superpass, only $165 for 2Adults 2Kids 3-12yrs. Find out more here.
Sights and highlights
Fun for the whole family - both kids and adults.

Your entry includes a club, balls and a scorecard.
What to bring
Drinking water
How to get there
Mini Golf is located at the Sports Club, beside the Reef View Hotel.
Terms and Conditions

Click here to view the casual Hamilton Island Mini Golf terms and conditions.

The information above should be used as a guide only. Activity/tour details, prices and timings are subject to change at any time.