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Enjoy drinks and tapas Bommie Deck

With a relaxed atmosphere and jaw-dropping, waterfront views, Bommie Deck is the perfect place to relax and unwind.

Book Accommodation



Beach Club 18yrs+, adults only qualia 16yrs+, adults only Reef View 13yrs+ Palm Bungalows 13yrs+
Reef View 3-12yrs Palm Bungalows 3-12yrs
Reef View 0-2yrs Palm Bungalows 0-2yrs



Property Search:

Bommie 甲板



  • Bommie甲板是看夕阳喝饮料调酒的理想场所,配着令人瞠目结舌的海滨景色。
  • 海洋生物经常穿梭于甲板附近海域,是观赏野生海龟的绝佳地点。
  • 气氛休闲随兴,非常适合与朋友家人小聚
  • 来一杯香槟搭配岛上最佳景点之一,悠闲享受岛上生活。

Bommie 甲板上的现场 DJ 和音乐

享受午后鸡尾酒和轻松的日落时光。每周五和周六下午 4:00 至晚上 7:00,在 Bommie Deck。

Details at a glance

Opening hours
周一 21 十月
周二 15 十月
周三 16 十月
4pm - 8.30pm
周四 17 十月
Closed for private event
周五 18 十月
Closed for private event
周六 19 十月
4pm - 8.30pm
周日 20 十月
Closed for private event
Licensing policy
Fully licensed