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Right off Catseye Beach Windsurfing

Take in the spectacular scenery and have great fun at the same time, with a windsurfing excursion off Catseye Beach.

Details at a glance

Opening hours
Operates daily (dependent on weather and tide).

Last rental time for Beach Sports equipment is 4pm. No overnight rentals.
Complimentary hire for guests staying at qualia, Beach Club, Reef View Hotel, Palm Bungalows and Holiday Homes booked through Hamilton Island Holiday Homes. Please bring your room key.

For all other guests:
  • ½ hour - $50
  • 1 hour - $60
Sights and highlights
Great fun for experienced Windsurfers with a stunning back drop.
Sample itinerary
Tide dependent
What to bring
Booking information
Bookings recommended through Hamilton Island Beach Sports. Last rental time for Beach Sports equipment is 4pm. No overnight rentals.
How to get there
Make your way to Catseye Beach, and see the team at Hamilton Island Beach Sports to pick up your equipment.
Terms and Conditions
For experienced Windsurfers, Recommended for adults and children with sufficient fitness and strength (usually 12 years and above).
Operations subject to weather and wind conditions.

For full Terms and Conditions, please click here
Cancellation policy
Cancellation policy applies.
The information above should be used as a guide only. Activity/tour details, prices and timings are subject to change at any time.