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Flying drones/remotely piloted aircraft at Hamilton Island

Australia's safety laws for drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (“UAV”), also known as remotely piloted aircraft (“RPA”), as defined in the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations Part 101, vary depending on whether you are flying recreationally, for sport or for commercial purposes.

Recreational use

Due to safety concerns and the close proximity of our aerodrome to our resort and island infrastructure, recreational / sport use is not permitted on Hamilton Island, Dent Island and waters surrounding Hamilton Island, Dent Island and Henning Island.

Commercial use

When flying for any form of economic gain, you need to have an RPA operator’s certificate (“ReOC”). A holder of a UAV operator’s certificate (“UOC”) may continue to operate as per their certificate. In addition to a valid ReOC or UOC, written approval must be obtained from Hamilton Island management prior to operation on Hamilton Island and surrounds.

Hamilton Island Enterprises Limited has adopted this policy to ensure the safety and privacy of our guests, visitors, residents and staff. RPA use that is in breach of any regulation will be reported to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) which can impose infringement notices.

For approval for commercial use of RPA’s please complete our RPA approval form. If your intended RPA usage is for filming purposes please also complete a filming application form. Once complete, scan and email the form/s to

Helpful Information

Information surrounding CASA’s regulations for RPA usage can be found at:

Information surrounding Airservices RPA policy can be found at:

Hamilton Island Enterprises Limited encourages reporting of illegal usage of RPAs on Hamilton Island and surrounds. This can be done through CASA at: