Best Price Guarantee
If you find an identical Hamilton Island accommodation booking for a lower price on the same day, we'll match it!
How it works?
- Compare the same deal. We can only match an offer if all booking terms and conditions are the same, offer inclusions are equivalent and all eligibility criteria is met.
- Submit a screenshot or formal quote. This must be shared to our team on the same day you find the lower price and before making a booking with Hamilton Island. The quote should specify exact room type, prices in AUD including GST, dates, and all applicable booking fees.
- We will match the price!
Please note, dates must be available at the time of booking and the number of guests must be within the maximum capacity of the selected room type.
Our best price guarantee is with the following online travel agents only.
There may be websites, agents or operators that allege that they have an affiliation and the right to sell Hamilton Island accommodation, however, these are unauthorised. For such sites, Hamilton Island have no control over payment, booking conditions, cancellations or rate changes, and will be unable to assist in case of any dispute. Please refer to the terms and conditions for further details.
If you are not sure whether the online travel agent is one of the below, please reach out to us.